The strange case of “sexually transmitted diseases” in ChIdeally, as one would typically assume, if a disease (or infection, if you prefer a less stigmatized description) is transmitted through…Jan 13Jan 13
Reconstructed proto-Sinitic sentences that prove the original Chinese were Tibeto-Burmanŋa nai ken se ŋi na swaŋ nan kweint ŋan khyim la? 吾 尔 见 斯 日 汝 使往 侬 犬子 俺 坅 欤? En: I saw you today you dispatch your dogs-son to my home…May 30, 20241May 30, 20241
Loan as paymentThe idea that quickly came to mind was inspired by the fact that many, including myself, subscribe to certain channels on YouTube for a…Apr 2, 2024Apr 2, 2024
Genetic footprint of Sino-Tibetans along the Southwest SilkroadThe Chinese civilization developed as an amalgamation of various strings of technologically advanced neolithic, and early bronze age…Jan 1, 2024Jan 1, 2024
Problems in phylogenetic studies on Sino-Tibetan origin: why Sichuan is still its homelandIn the debate of where lies the homeland of proto-Sino-Tibetan (ST) language, three hypotheses exist: middle Yellow River basin of China’s…Dec 18, 2023Dec 18, 2023
Bear, Panda, and Sino-Tibetan HomelandIn a previous post, I have listed and discussed several etyma found across Sino-Tibetan (ST) languages that all pointed to a common natural…Dec 1, 2023Dec 1, 2023
Bear, Bamboo, Fog — the Homeland of Sino-Tibetan languagesIn comparative linguistics, word roots from related languages in a family may reveal the common knowledge shared by the proto speakers of…Nov 25, 2023Nov 25, 2023
Sino-Tibetan Urheimat and the Chinese Nationalist PropagandaThe reading of molecule anthropology and genetics works published in peer-reviewed journals is a fascinating journey to have open my view…Nov 14, 2023Nov 14, 2023
Basuria as the Origin of Far East CivilizationsBasuria is a geopolitical term coined by Basurian American historian Liu Zhongjing to denote the relatively self-sustaining civilization…Jul 24, 2023Jul 24, 2023
Investing in vertical comInvestment in a society where organic communities are lacking can be a weird mixture of opportunity and owe inspiring risks. This is…Jun 21, 2023Jun 21, 2023