Against the Internet, a tool of control

Yusuf Basurian
4 min readNov 3, 2022


Reading James Scott’s Against the Grain, one year after benefiting immensely from his earlier book the Art of Not Being Governed, blows a fresh air of hope in this age of totalitarian panopticon control of personal deliberations. Grain crops were deployed by early rulers to extract taxes and sedentize a population. Even if grains were not deliberately employed as such as strategy, they served the function, sometimes unintended, of sedating and immobilizing a large unskilled and undifferentiated group of people. The consequences are disastrous and far from what progressivism who uphold a linear unidirectional version of the history has promised. Health deteriorated from a reliance on carbohydrate, dental condition deteriorated from starch and sucrose, epidemics broke out frequently from a mixture of livestock and human, freedom restricted and taxation levied with force.

Today, the grains have transformed into other means that bear the superficial resemblance of benefiting our wellbeing as promised by progressive technocrats who uphold the same lies about a bright future set out for our grasp as long as we bear with their temporary inconvenience and pains. Zhina’s health code system serves the exact function, this time very much intended, of immobilizing free labors and bonding them to the means of production and the land. Free labors are potential unemployed labors. They are at the brink of becoming a vast uncontrollable mobile army who demand the fulfillment of an undeliverable future promised by the reformers of Zhina. The reformers never had these potential reserved army of the unemployed in mind, prolonging the miserable lifespan of a dying terrorist organization was their sole intention in design. These days, concentration centers, militarized curfews, health codes that arbitrarily turn red, food rationing and government canteens, all give proof to what Prophet Liu Zhongjing has foreseen — the desperate struggle of a late-stage cancer patient in face of his sealed fate.

Behind the health code, Zhina’s fraudulent Internet only works to censor and control, while effectively blocking over 95% of all information freely floating outside Zhina’s whitelisted brainwashed echo chamber. Heavily centralized architecture of Zhina Internet is never a standalone technological issue. There is no such a thing as standalone purely technical issue when the entire IT infrastructure requires synchronized investment and maintenance by the state’s apparatus beyond technological development. The hegemonic state’s legislation outlawed blockchain, at least its development by private non-state actors; The hegemonic state implants infiltrated spyware and chips in every single routers and modem distributed by the only three existing state-owned telecom companies; the terrorist state decrypts and tracks down signals sent out in communications between dissents. The fraudulent terrorist Zhina Internet enabled massive control and surveillance of an immobile and blocked online population. The same engine is actively disarming even those who avoided the use of Zhina Internet by diverting signals in information exchange and blocking the streams of online engagement from these unconforming vagabonds. The same way that Manchu-Zhina usurpers had done to boost their mercantilist treasury and suppress free trade! The same trickery Shang-Zhina despots played to periodically levy corvee and capture human sacrifices from the nearby tribes who unfortunately had adapted to subsist on grain crops.

An implicit knowledge should be gained among those who love freedom and understand the Zhina situation. The Internet as a surveillance device could be utilized by any totalitarian regimes irrespective of their ideology on the political spectrum. But in most countries, due to historical evolution path and the structure of their current society, a vertical panopticon control by a prebendal bureaucracy has met with the checks and balance of either a dimly existing civil society (as in the former Soviet), or a decentralized tribal confederacy (as in Iran), or a feudal ritualist local grassroot that survived modernization (as in Korea and Japan). The waves of genocides, internal unrests, and finally the ultimate form of total eradication of feudal structure brought by the communist revolution, had made impossible in China any form of resistance except for suicidal swan songs. Therefore, the first urgent task of those who understand the situation is to get the f** out of this country and never look back like when Lot left Sodom. An alternative option is the avoidance of using Zhinese technological platforms and infrastructure whenever possible. At least reduce the use to bare minimum that doesn’t affect your subsistence. Even if these platforms are not censored, the extremely knockoff quality of the information floating on these platforms are already abysmal enough to effectively contaminate the users’ conscience. No one should watch the fin-de-siecle style of self-aggrandizing from these fake-reality influencers with the terrible taste pampering the male gaze and female infantilization. No one needs one more bit of fake news that make 95% of all periodicals. When initially these knockoff products stole, they had surreptitiously planned by the Zhina terrorist organization to come off as the only option of information, whereas the original products are now seen as sorry alternatives.

To avoid grain crops, ancient people have always learned to lead a better, free, and easier life by reverting to protein-rich nutrients and becoming nomads. Leading a nomadic life now has been proved by archaeological evidence to be salubrious and strengthening in terms of population health, life span, warring capacity, etc. Peasants live in the region of Youyan (today’s Hebei) in Song Dynasty often crossed border and become Khitan citizens, because being a Han subject in Song-Zhina essentially equated serfdom and hunger. The boundary between Tangut and Han in the northwestern border of Song is at best ambiguous and at most non-existing. Freedom loving people in southwest Zhina have for centuries evaded the state and formal institution by adopting various innovative strategies of escaping to and settling in the Zomia mountains. Today, evading Zhina Internet is not only possible but also beneficial. Younger generation has already started a movement of non-violent uncooperation by not marrying and not bearing kids, they also quiet-quit at the workplace and despise monetary motivation. Stop being another data point, start to migrate to Internet platforms not owned by Zhinese finance and corporation, erase your trace from the terrorist infrastructure.



Yusuf Basurian
Yusuf Basurian

Written by Yusuf Basurian

A borderland vagabond torn of his feudal ties. A social scientist secretly sociopathic. A ronin in exile from the atomized fellahin.

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